Wests Illawarra Leagues Club - Stage 2
Client: Wests Illawarra
Company: Group GSA
Project Role: Designer
Scope of Work: Stage 2 (Master Planning and Sketch Design)
Location: Hargreaves St, Unanderra, NSW 2526
Site Area: 21687㎡
Date: 2015
The project is committed to upgrade the existing club building in both the current stage and a future vision. Stage 1 is to rearrange the gaming area and refurbish part of the façade. My role is to design Stage 2 which is about the master planning of the club site in 10 years, and sketch design that is based on constrains in terms of the existing context and the budget.
The site is adjacent to large residential areas and connects to Unanderra town centre which is about 15mins drive from Wollongong Station, NSW. Taking into account the tranquil neighbourhood in this suburban area, the external presence of the club is thought to be more friendly and gentle, and the internal areas are more club-typically arranged. In light of its connection with arterial traffic, the proposal is intended to strike a balance between privacy and public attraction. The vision of the club in the future is to provide the local community with a relaxing place to entertain by proposing the programmatic stages of the construction.